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  • Jensen Richards

Notes from some of my favorite books read this year

Updated: Oct 9, 2022

This year I have been listening to Audio books and would like to share some of my favorites from the Self Help genre. I will share the notes I took down with the parts that resonated with me while listening and hope that maybe something will resonate with you as well.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

1. Plan for the week and set goals to achieve

2. You have the choice to decide how things effect you

3. Things can hurt physically, but we have the choice to protect our character from hurting too

4. You can only be hurt by someone if you give them consent to hurt you

5. Seek first to understand before judging or responding

6. Make sure they know your listening

7. Listen empathetically instead of listening with intent to reply

8. Don’t focus on enemies so much that you become blind to your own life

9. Work from the inside out to be happy for others achievements

10. Think with a win/win mentality within relationships

11. Make sure everybody is winning

12. The way you see the world is a reflection of the way you see yourself


1. Atomic habits are the building block of results

2. Habits take time and precedents to achieve

3. Big problems are caused by slow and little issues

4. Change can take years before it happens all at once, be patient

5. Solve input problems first, then output problems will fix themselves

6. Quit pushing your happiness to the future

7. Love the process not just the product

8. Your goals should continue instead of stopping once you hit them

9. Your SYSTEM is the most important thing

10. Get 1% better everyday

11. Repetitive behavior is your identity

12. “Who is the type of person you want to be?” Make habits to become that person


1. Nothing is for certain, embrace the uncertainty

2. Realize the problem in your life isn’t truly going to kill you

3. Remember you have made it through everything in your life

4. Every single problem you have made it through

5. Ask yourself if your willing to do it

6. You’re not your thoughts, you’re what you do

7. Quit acting like you deserve because you don’t

8. The world isn’t after you, you stop yourself from your goals

9. Quit thinking things are impossible

10. Be relentless and never give up

11. Expect nothing

12. Look at your expectations and compare them to how they really are and stop expecting

13. Everybody has a past, quit living in it, build something for the future and live there

14. Quit blaming the past for things, it made you who you are today, that's a good thing

15. If you want to change you will for yourself

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